An alert displays a short, important message in a way that attracts the user's attention without interrupting the user's task.
Simple Alert
There are five variants of Simple Alerts available, primary alert
, success alert
, info alert
, warning alert
, and error alert
. Simple Alerts can be created by adding the .alert class
and as per your requirement for the variant, you will have to add .alert-primary, .alert-success, .alert-info, .alert-warning, .alert-error class names.
Icon Alerts
There are four variants of Icon Alerts available, success alert
, info alert
, warning alert
, and error alert
. Icon Alerts can be created by adding the .alert class
and as per your requirement for the variant, you will have to add .alert-icon-success, .alert-icon-info, .alert-icon-warning, .alert-icon-error class names.
Filled Alerts
There are five variants of Filled Alerts available, primary alert
, success alert
, info alert
, warning alert
, and error alert
. Simple Alerts can be created by adding the .alert class
and as per your requirement for the variant, you will have to add .alert-primary-filled, .alert-success-filled, .alert-info-filled, .alert-warning-filled, .alert-error-filled class names.